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Bentuk atau Jenis dan Contoh kalimat Subjunctive

Assalaamu ‘alaykum...  welcome to my blog.... This time I would like to post about subjunctive. Karena ini bulan ramadhan I will try untuk membuat contoh kalimat that concerns ramadhan or religiuos studies.

Pembahasan subjunctive bisa terbagi menjadi 3 macam: subjunctive untuk conditional sentence type 2 dan 3, subjunctive yang berbentuk kata kerja murni/bentuk dasar tanpa ada tambahan, dan terakhir subjunctive yang menggunakan kata/frase wish, if only, as if/as though, dan if only.

Nah! Karena yang pertama dan ke dua udah aku posting sekarang time to explain the last one: subjunctive menggunakan kata/frase wish, as if/as though, dan if only.
Subjunctive untuk bentuk ini bisa kita bagi menjadi 2 macam yang mempunyai bentuk sama dengan conditional sentence tipe ke dua dan ke tiga.
1.    Past subjunctive (unreal situation in the present/future)
Bentuk past subjunctive mirip dengan bentuk tipe ke dua (present unreal condition) pada conditional
sentence. Contoh:
a.    Present unreal condition: if I were rich, I would give alms to the beggar.
Present wish: I wish I were rich.
Adapun contoh untuk frase as if/as though dan if only, yaitu:
a)    He talked as if he were rich.
b)   If only I were rich.
b.    Present unreal condition: I would be so happy if you could go to mosque to pray tarawih with me.
Present wish:  I wish you could go to mosque to pray tarawih with me.
Adapun contoh untuk frase as if/as though dan if only, yaitu:
a)    He spoke as though he could go to mosque.
b)   If only you could go to mosque.

2.    Perfect subjunctive
Bentuk perfect subjunctive mirip dengan bentuk tipe ke tiga pada conditional sentence (past unreal condition). Contoh:
a.    Past uneal condition: if you had been here yesterday, we would have broken the fast together.
Past wish: we wish you had been here yesterday.
Adapun contoh untuk frase as if/as though dan if only, yaitu:
a)    He acted as if he had been here yesterday.
b)   If only you had been here yesterday.
b.    Past unreal condition: if I had washed my clothes, I could have focused on reading the Holy Quran.
Past wish: I wish  I could have focused on reading the Holy Quran.
Adapun contoh untuk frase as if/as though dan if only, yaitu:
a)    He talked as though he had read the Holy Quran.
b)   If only he had read the Holy Quran.

Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Muhammad Ahkam Arifin Muhammad Ahkam Arifin is a Fulbright PhD student at Washington State University, US. He earned a master`s degree in TESOL from the University of Edinburgh & Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne.

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